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Why ReactJs is the Most Popular Frontend Framework

ReactJs is considered as the best and most useful frontend framework in digital market. It comes with a extensive libraries and helpful material. There is no doubt that AngularJs, Vue.js and many other are useful for developers, but if we’re talking popularity, than ReactJs takes the lead.

High Performance

ReactJs contains virtual DOM, making it Super fast. ReactJs only updates components of the web page that needs a modification and we can easily write the custom components which are useful where ever we need and it saves time and improve processing time.

Incredible Flexibility

With its component-based architecture, it’s incredibly flexible. This means developers can reuse components, which save a lot of time and code quality improve. Well, ReactJs is too friendly which makes the development alot smoother. Its simpler, JavaScript-centered approach which makes it easier to compile and run. ReactJs didn’t got the champ title overnight. Developer starts using it, companies understanding its use and how effective it is. ReactJs offers easy maintenance and updates due to its easy module base structure. This helps in decreasing developers’ workload and increase application performance. Google often struggles to read JavaScript applications. Due to ReactJs we overcome this deficity by allowing developers to run the code on the server, rendering it to the browser as a regular webpage.

best frontend framework

ReactJs contains strong community support, backed by Facebook with versatile strengths and problem-solving abilities make it the first love for delivering bespoke user interfaces.
In the end, ReactJs ain’t just a pretty framework, it have the edge on other frontend web development technologies due to its extensive support and extensive libraries.